Holiday Food Basket Program
Holiday Food Basket Program
Holiday Food Basket Program
Holiday Food Basket Program
Volunteer Spotlight
What's your educational and professional background?
I received an Ed.D in Educational Leadership from USC. I retired in 2009 after a long career in education. I was an English teacher, high school assistant principal, middle school principal, and a Riverside County Office of Education Director.
How often do you volunteer here?
A little over 2 years for an average of 10 hours a week.
What are your hobbies and interests?
Spending time with my 5 grandchildren, husband, kids, and pets. I also like traveling, reading, bargain shopping, and cooking.
Why have you chosen to volunteer at CAPSBC?
I believe in the vision & mission of CAPSBC to position itself as the premier agency aiding the low-income population of our county.
Tell us about your volunteer experience.
I find the work to be worthwhile, interesting, and challenging. In a way, it’s my own personal ministry. I get the reward of helping to make a difference in our community, but I'm also rewarded by working with an incredible group of talented people who make me feel welcomed and needed.
I have learned much about our huge county - its challenges for many of our residents, its network of non-profits, and the difference an efficiently-run organization like CAPSBC can make. As a retired educator, I think I understand that each person in an organization is unique and has something special to contribute. We need to look for that special gift in others and let it flourish.
What advice would you give to other volunteers?
Stay long enough to get to know the people and the organization, they're amazing and you may end up learning more about yourself.
Thank you Linette Thomas for serving our community